Continental Officer in hunting shirt and standing horse |
I just received the pictures from Richard yesterday of the newest additions to the Fife & Drum AWI range of figures. Please click on the pictures to enlarge the view. We are adding 12 new Continentals in hunting shirts and tricorn hats, including a mounted officer, and a new standing horse. You can either have a complete battalion or regiment in hunting shirts, or you can sprinkle a few hunting shirts into units that wear primarily a uniform coat. Or visa versa, add a couple of Continentals in uniform coat to your regiment of guys in hunting shirts.
We also received the two Royal Artillery crewmen to man the Amusette. The Amusette set (AE-6) will include 2 crew and 1 wooden mantle for a price of $8.00 per set. You could typically post a pair of mantles on each side of your British artillery battery to provide added protection for the artillery crew.
We have 8 different figures that you can use to create a firing line of Continentals in hunting shirts. The standard bearer and drummer are standing, rather than walking, while the officer looks rather jaunty and heroic as he looks over the horizon. The casualty figure has a lot of character too. I think that he might be getting knocked off his feet by a blast from that 1-pound wall gun used by the Amusette crew.
The greens are on their way to Griffin Designs for mould production and casting, so I would imagine that we will have these figures into production towards the end of November 2012.
Continental officer in hunting shirt and standing horse. |
Amusette crew with 1-pound wall gun. |
AE-6: Amusette set (2 crew and mantle) |
Continental Command - firing line in hunting shirts. |
Firing line command - rear view. |
Continental firing line in hunting shirts. |
Continental firing line. Rear view. |
Continentals in hunting shirts, marching. |
Continentals marching, rear view. |