American Continental Command figures by Richard Ansell |
I have already posted these pictures of the new AWI Continental greens over on my Der Alte Fritz Journal, but figured that it would be a good idea to post them on the official Fife & Drum site as well. I note that many of the "followers" listed on the right hand side of this page are also followers of my SYW blog.
There are a total of 12 Continental foot figures, including four command, four different marching poses, two firing (one of which is loading his musket) and two of what I would call "standing at the ready". Richard is also working on two mounted officers: a brigadier general and his ADC, as well as a standing horse. Eventually, I will also add walking and trotting horses to the herd.
Rear view of the command figures. Click photos to enlarge the view. |
Here are the front and back images of the skirmish or firing line poses:
Here are the "at the ready" set which could be used to make a complete regiment of Continentals waiting to receive the British attack:
I also think that the two figures above would also look good paired up with the two firing line figures, given that one of these fellows appears to be cocking his musket, which would fit in with the "firing line" theme.
Finally, we have the standard of every wargamer's army: the marching poses:
The rear view illustrates the variety of tumplines, packs and blanket rolls on the figures. |
I don't have a timetable on the arrival of the greens as yet, but I would assume that they will be ready to send to the caster in the near future. Once the mounted officers and horse are completed, then we can send them off to the caster and start spinning metal.
I'm really excited by what I've seen so far and like you, I'm looking forward to having the opportunity to paint some of these miniature master pieces.
Cheers everyone,
Der Alte Fritz