Fife & Drum Miniatures is a range of 1/56 scale figures (approximately 30mm in height) sculpted by Richard Ansell, and is devoted to the American War of Independence. The figures may be purchased from Der Alte Fritz through this blog, using Paypal for payment. Click on the page tabs for Crown Forces, American forces and artillery equipment to see pictures of the individual figures.

Winner of the "Best Historical Miniatures Range of 2011" by The Miniatures Page.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Painted Samples: Continentals in Hunting Shirts

New Fife & Drum Continentals in Hunting Shirts

I have been working on getting samples painted of the 14 new figures that we have recently added to the range. I still have the Continental drummer and standard bearer to finish, as well as the amusette and crew. Those should be done within a couple more days.

Two different firing poses and one casualty knocked off his feet.

Loading and cocking firelock for a second rank of figures, plus firing figure.

Mounted officer and foot officer make for a nice vignette. Also shown, the three marching poses.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Free Christmas Shipping Deal

Fife & Drum Continentals get out of the way of the on-coming delivery wagons.

I thought that I would run a Christmas Special starting today and running through December 31, 2012:

FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE (up to a maximum of $20.00)

I hope that this will make it a little easier for our customers who live outside of North America to start collecting figures from the Fife & Drum range, as international shipping can easily run in the $10.00 to $20.00 range. For our North American customers, the free shipping can often amount to a discount of 10% or more on your purchases.

The shelves are stocked with inventory. We have plenty of the new Continentals in hunting shirts. They are awaiting your orders to muster.


I have made some changes in the prices for artillery pieces, some of which were priced at $6.50 to $7.00, while the limber sets were $12.50. Now that I have a better handle on my costs, I have decided to reduce the prices off all cannon models to $6.00 per cannon. The limber teams are now $9.00 per set.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Continentals in Hunting Shirts Are In Stock!

Firing line figures (left to right) A38, A40, A39, A42, A41 and A35
Command figures (L-R) A38, A37, A36, and A35

Continentals in hunting shirts (L-R) A34, A32, and A33
I just received a shipment of the newest Fife & Drum figures from the caster today. This batch includes 12 Continentals in Hunting Shirts, 1 new standing horse, and 2 British artillery crewmen firing the wall gun for the Amusette set.  I will try to take some photos of the unpainted metal, but actually, the pictures of the greens, previously posted here, give a much better impression. I will start posting pix over the next several days and hopefully have some painted samples by the end of the coming weekend.

So here are the new stock codes for the new figures:

AC3 - Continental Mounted Officer, Hunting Shirt, pointing, with horse -- $5.00

AC3 Mounted Officer on H2 standing horse, and A35 Officer in firing line.

Continentals in hunting shirts. All figures wear a cocked hat.  -- $1.80 each

A32  - Continental Marching/Hunting shirt/blanket roll
A33  - Continental Marching/Hunting shirt/tumpline/belt
A34  - Continental Marching/Hunting shirt/tumpline/no belt
A35  - Continental officer in firing line/Hunting shirt
A36  - Continental standard bearer standing/Hunting shirt
A37  - Continental drummer standing/Hunting shirt
A38  - Continental casualty falling backwards/Hunting shirt
A39  - Continental cocking musket/Hunting shirt
A40  - Continental biting cartridge/Hunting shirt
A41  - Continental standing firing/Hunting shirt, buttoned front
A42  - Continental standing firing/Hunting shirt, pullover

British Artillery Equipment -

AE6 Amusette with two Royal Artillery crewmen and wooden mantle. -- $7.00 per set
AE6 - Amusette and Royal Artillery Crewmen

There are some amazing figures in this batch of new goodies. The A35 Officer is shading his eyes with one hand and holds a sword in the other hand. Match him with the new AC3 Continental mounted officer in hunting shirt/pointing, and you have a wonderful ready-made command vignette. I predict that quite a few of these officers will end up on command stands.

The A38 Continental casualty is a true work of art. He is standing, but has been knocked backwards off his feet by a musket ball. One foot is afixed to the base and the other is in the air. This is an amazing figure.

I also really like the A40 Continental biting a cartridge in the right hand while grounding his musket with his left hand. This makes for a wonderful "second rank" figure to put in your firing line. You can create units of Continentals in firing line or marching with these figures, or you can even mix in some of the existing Continentals and Militia figures into the same unit to get a lot of variety in the unit's appearance. For example, half the figures could be wearing hunting shirts, a couple of militia firing poses could be mixed in and the rest of the figures could be wearing uniform coats.

Also, the militia and hunting shirt figures can be used for either Saratoga in the North, the Philadelphia Campaign in the Mid-Atlantic theatre, or even in the Southern Campaign in the Carolinas.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Continentals in Hunting Shirts

Continental Officer in hunting shirt and standing horse
I just received the pictures from Richard yesterday of the newest additions to the Fife & Drum AWI range of figures. Please click on the pictures to enlarge the view. We are adding 12 new Continentals in hunting shirts and tricorn hats, including a mounted officer, and a new standing horse. You can either have a complete battalion or regiment in hunting shirts, or you can sprinkle a few hunting shirts into units that wear primarily a uniform coat. Or visa versa, add a couple of Continentals in uniform coat to your regiment of guys in hunting shirts.

We also received the two Royal Artillery crewmen to man the Amusette. The Amusette set (AE-6) will include 2 crew and 1 wooden mantle for a price of $8.00 per set. You could typically post a pair of mantles on each side of your British artillery battery to provide added protection for the artillery crew.

We have 8 different figures that you can use to create a firing line of Continentals in hunting shirts. The standard bearer and drummer are standing, rather than walking, while the officer looks rather jaunty and heroic as he looks over the horizon. The casualty figure has a lot of character too. I think that he might be getting knocked off his feet by a blast from that 1-pound wall gun used by the Amusette crew.

The greens are on their way to Griffin Designs for mould production and casting, so I would imagine that we will have these figures into production towards the end of November 2012.

Continental officer in hunting shirt and standing horse.

Amusette crew with 1-pound wall gun.

AE-6: Amusette set (2 crew and mantle)
Continental Command - firing line in hunting shirts.

Firing line command - rear view.

Continental firing line in hunting shirts.

Continental firing line. Rear view.

Continentals in hunting shirts, marching.

Continentals marching, rear view.

New Catalog Listings

I have now added a catalog of all of the Fife & Drum AWI figures to this blog. Click on one of the page tabs shown below the picture on the home page. You will see a bar that lists:

American Forces
Crown Forces
Artillery Equipment

Simply click on the page tab to view the contents of each page. You can also click on the individual pictures to make them larger.

We are working on creating a dedicated Fife & Drum web page and hope to have it up and running by the end of 2012.

Finally, I just received the pictures of the greens for the Continental troops in hunting shirts and they are on their way to Griffin Designs for casting. So I would imagine that these figures will be in production by the end of November 2012. I will post some pictures of the greens this week.

Monday, September 17, 2012

British Infantry on Campaign

5th Regiment (Northumberland) - click pix to enlarge.

A side view of the 5th. Note the difference in the original red coat compared to the faded rose colored coat.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

3 Pound Galloper Gun

3 Pound Galloper Gun (AE-4)
The picture shows a painted sample of the Galloper Gun set in the Fife & Drum Miniatures range, consisting of the horse, the limber frame that converts the cannon to a "galloper", and the 3 pound Verbruggen cannon on a Pattison carriage.

The stock number for the galloper  is AE-4 and is priced at $8.50 for the set.

The mounted officer is actually the Continental mounted officer, painted in a red coat. The officer on foot comes from the British artillery crew (firing) and is painted as an infantry officer in red coat.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Artillery Equipment - Painted Pix

British 6-pounder (AE3) battery in action (Firing AE12 and loading AE13 sets)
I have been busy painting samples of every figure in the Fife & Drum range so that we can get the figures photographed and loaded onto our new web site. I expect to launch the Fife & Drum web site towards the end of October 2012, so keep checking back on this blog for updates on our progress.

I like the way the artillery sets turned out - they have a lot of action to them, as they are available in loading sets and firing sets for each army. Eventually, each gun section will have a limber set attached to it.  See picture below for a sample of the limber set painted. Each set includes one limber, two horses and one drover. Cannon are purchased separately.

Limber set (AE-5) shown with the British 6-pounder in tow.

Continental Artillery Crew (AE13) loading a Swedish 4-Pdr (AE2)

I recently discovered that the cannon model that I had labeled as an American-cast 6-pdr (AE2) was actually the Swedish 4-pdr, which was part of the French Valliere system of artillery. This model can be used for both the Seven Years War and the American War of Independence.

Continental Artillery Crew (AE14) Firing a French 4-Pdr Valliere (AE1)
The French Valliere 4-pounder, or Long 4-pounder, is probably my favorite piece in our nascent Fife & Drum artillery offerings so far. I like it so much that I plan to add the French 8-pounder and 12-pounder cannon in the future. The long 4-pounder can be used in both SYW and AWI period armies.

Monday, August 20, 2012

A Few Blog Layout Changes

Governor William Shirley
Governor William Shirley of Massachusetts has nothing to do with today's blog entry, but I wanted to put some kind of picture at the top of the page and thought that he was a distinguished looking gentleman of the times, so why not?

I am on my annual required two weeks of vacation right now and I hope to use some of that time to clean up a few things on this blog. For starters, I have added a box on the left hand side of the page to show some of the Links germane to AWI topics. This way, I can come directly to this page (and you can too, of course), and use it as an entry point to other useful AWI blogs and web pages. Over time, this collection of links will grow to a sizable amount.

I am in the process of painting one each of every figure in the Fife & Drum range so that we can take color pictures of the figures (front and back) for posting on our new web site. The web site will enable you to purchase figures on line without having to go through the current, more cumbersome ordering process. Stay tuned for a further announcement on the web site in about another 1-2 months. I hope to have a big web site roll out in say, October 2012, along with some special items added to the range just for the web site roll out.

Finally, thank you to everyone who took advantage of the 1776 Deals that we ran in the month of July. The metal was literally flying out the door as we had to keep sending in restocking orders to keep up with the demand. Thank you to those of you who had the patience to wait on some backorders. These were promptly filled when the new stock arrived. Our policy is to try to fill the order as completely as possible and to back order the few miscellaneous items. All back orders are shipped postage free as I don't think that it is fair for you to pay twice for postage.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July Drawing Winner Is: Volleyfire!

Volleyfire! is the winner of our July random drawing of followers. Please contact me to collect your prize of $50.00 worth of Fife & Drum Miniatures of your choice.


Friday, July 27, 2012

New Artillery Pictures

AE-12 British Crew Firing (left) and AE-11 British Crew Loading, both with AE-3 British 6-pdr.

I have posted a few pictures of some of the new Fife & Drum artillery equipment and the British and Continental artillery crews, showing how they look painted. I had hoped to get these beauties into a game soon, but they will have to make a first stop in the UK, where I am sending them to be photographed for inclusion in our new web site (to be announced soon). The pictures are OK, but Henry Hyde is a better photographer than I am and we want to put the best possible pictures on the web site. Each stock number will be accompanied by a picture of the painted figure that you will be purchasing.

AE-14 American Crew Firing with AE-1 French 4-pdr Valliere cannon.

I really like the way that the French 4-pounder turned out. It is the equivalent of about a British 6-pounder in cannonball weight because the French pound was larger than the English pound measurement in those days. I black primed the cannon and used a base coat of "clotted red blood" and then did some highlights and wood grains with a common red paint. The iron fittings are painted black and then highlighted with a mixture of black and flesh paint, to give me a black highlight. The crew were grey primed.

AE-14 Firing Crew with AE-1 French 4-pdr
AE-13 American Crew Loading with AE-2 American-cast 6-pdr.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Fife & Drum Logo Unveiled!

Fife & Drum logo created by Mr. Henry Hyde

Here is what the new logo for the Fife & Drum Miniatures range will look like. I want to thank Henry Hyde (editor of Battlegames Magazine) for his fine work in creating this logo. It really evokes the feeling of the 18th Century and the AWI/American Revolution period that is the focus of our figures.

You will start seeing our logo on The Miniatures Page (TMP) in our new banner ads as well as advertising in  the various wargame magazines.

By the way, the 1776 Deals will expire on July 31, 2012 so if you want to take advantage of the 18% and 22% discounts on the regular 12-figure and 84-figure deals, respectively, then get your order in today. Time is running out so don't put this off if you intend to order some of our deals.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

1776 Deal Is Extended To July 31, 2012

I have decided to extend the "1776 Deal" (12 figures for $17.76) and the "1776 Grand Deal" (84 figures for $117.76) through the end of this month, July 31, 2012. So if you missed out on your chance to purchase Fife & Drum miniatures under the discount plan, then fear  not, there is still time to snap up a good bargain or three.

I am working on getting some of the artillery pieces and gun crews painted over this weekend so that I can post some color pictures of how the new items look when painted. So keep checking back in at this site.

Monday, July 9, 2012

British Artillery Equipment & Crews

3-pound Galloper Gun with British artillerist shown for proportions.
 Today I am posting pictures of the Galloper Gun set (consisting of the horse, limber and 3 pound cannon), crew are extra, which can be used in either the British or the Continental armies. These are particularly useful for those of you who are interested in the Southern Theatre of the AWI.

Galloper Gun Unlimbered and Manned By British Crew

At first look, I thought that maybe the 3-pounder was a little bit on the small size, but don't forget, everything in the Fife & Drum range is done to 1/56 scale. Thus the equipment is correctly scaled to the height of the men. I was looking at a picture of a galloper gun on the Colonial Williamsburg web site and their picture indicates that the wheel was up to the man's waist. So I think that we nailed it correctly with our models.

British 6-pounder with British "Loading" Crew

Above is shown the British 6-pounder with the AE-12 Loading Crew. One figure is holding a shell sabot (left foreground), a second is ramming the tube, the third figure is the ventsman - holding his thumb over the touch hole, and finally, a fourth figure that can hold any number of tools in his open hand. I was really impressed with how easily the rammer fits into the hands of the figure, while seating very snuggly in his hands. The rammer will NOT fall out of his hands and gluing the tools into the figures' hands is so easy peasy.

British 6-pounder with British "Firing Crew"
Finally, we see the 6-pounder about to be fired by the AE-11 Firing Crew. Note the fellow on the left covering both ears with his hands. The crewman in the right foreground is covering one ear, while holding a tool in the other hand. I can imagine that the officer figure will wind up on a few command stand vignettes.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Artillery Equipment Pix

American-cast 6-pdr and Continental Crew Loading

Here are a few quick pictures of some of the new Fife & Drum artillery equipment and Continental artillery crew. I will post the British crew and 6-pdr tonight or tomorrow. Everything shown is in stock and available to order.

French 4-pdr Valliere and Continental Crew Firing

Limber set

Limber set and French 4 pounder in tow

Friday, July 6, 2012

Artillery Equipment Stock Numbers for Ordering

Here is a list of the prices and stock numbers for the new Fife & Drum artillery equipment, which is now in stock and ready to ship. I will post pictures over the weekend.

I am not  offering the Amusette (large musket and wooden mantlet with wheels) for sale at this time, as I have commissioned   Richard to sculpt a couple of crew figures to handle the gun. There will be one figure firing the piece and another figure helping in some fashion. These two figures are in the queue now so I anticipate that the Amusette and Crew will be available around September/October 2012.

Artillery crew come in sets of four figures, either loading the cannon or firing the cannon. The sets also include a sprue of artillery tools (which can also be purchased separately.

Artillery Equipment Stock Numbers

AE-1  French 4-pounder, Valliere System      $7.00
AE-2  French "Swedish" 4-pounder               $6.50
AE-3  British 6-pounder                                  $6.50
AE-4  3-pound Gallaper Gun set                     $8.50 (includes 1 cannon, 1 limber frame, 1 horse)
AE-5  Limber team set                                    $12.50 (includes limber, 2  horses, 1 civilian rider)
AE-6  Amusette, Mantle, Crew                       NOT AVAILABLE
AE-7  Artillery tools (2 sprues)                       $2.00
AE-8    (To Be Determined)
AE-9    (To Be Determined)
AE-10  (To Be Determined)

AE-11  British artillery crew (4) loading         $8.00 (set of 4 poses)
AE-12  British artillery crew (4) firing            $8.00 (set of 4 poses)

AE-13  American artillery crew loading          $8.00 (set of 4 poses)
AE-14  American artillery crew firing             $8.00 (set of 4 poses)

Artillery Equipment & Crews Are In Stock!

Just a short message to let everyone know that all of the artillery equipment and crew for British and American armies are now in stock. I will be posting stock numbers for the new figures on this blog over the weekend.

I am also catching up on shipping all of the 1776 Deals that we have received, now that the inventory is fully stocked once again.

Watch for pictures over this weekend.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Announcing June Drawing Winners

For our inaugural drawing of a random name from the list of Fife & Drum Blog "Followers", I have decided to draw one name from North America and one name from the rest of the world. Each month there will be a drawing and the winner(s) will receive a $50.00 gift certificate good towards the purchase of any Fife & Drum miniatures.

Our winners are:

Essex Boy (Rest of the World)

Colonel Campbell (North America)

Congratulations to both of you! You can contact me at any time with your selection of free miniatures.

(altefritz1740) (at) (yahoo) (dot) (com)

If you have not yet signed on as a blog follower and want to be eligible to win some awesome free miniatures, then click on the box on the upper left hand side and become a Follower and be eligible for our next drawing at the end of July.

PS.  The artillery equipment and crew shipment are sitting in US Customs and are scheduled to arrive the week of July 2nd.  Just in time to celebrate Independence Day!

Monday, June 25, 2012

New "1776 Deal" Starts Now!

Announcing New "1776 Deal" for Fife & Drum Miniatures

American Militia
Celebrate Independence Day with Fife & Drum Miniatures by taking advantage of our special "1776 Deal" from now through the July 4th and Bastille Day (July 14th) holidays. Fife & Drum wants to help you declare your independence from ordinary miniatures by offering two special discount programs to get you started.

Try a small sampling of our figures with a dozen figures for $17.76 plus postage. Or, if you are prepared to go all in on our range, we also offer the Grand 1776 deal of 84 figures for $117.76. Either way, you can save from 18% to 23% by taking us up on one of these deals and if we do say so ourselves, you will get some very nice figures in return.

Start out with two skirmish companies of maybe 12 American Militia and 12 British Grenadiers and give the Sharpe Practice rules a good work out with these figure sets. This is an easy, cost effective way of giving Fife & Drum figures a try at a modest cost.

Or if you are already convinced that Fife & Drum figures are great, then take advantage of our Grand 1776 deal and buy an 84 figure army at 23% off of list price. This will give you enough figures to start a brigade of Americans or British for the "British Grenadier" set of rules.

But don't wait too long, this offer expires on July 14th!

The Deal: buy 12 foot figures for $17.76 plus postage

The Discount: that is the equivalent of $1.48 per figure, or nearly 18% off our list price!

Limited Time Offer: The 1776 Deal starts today (June 26, 2012 and runs through Bastille Day on July 14, 2012. After July 14th, our prices go back to our normal price of $1.80 per foot. Offer does not apply to artillery equipment and crew.

Or try our Grand 1776 Deal:

Buy 84 figures for $117.76  or $1.40 per foot figure. That's $0.40 off list price or 23% discount.

To purchase, see contract information on the right hand side of this page.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Next Fife & Drum Wargame

Game table for my July 4th Fife & Drum Game

I spent a good part of the afternoon and evening clearing my wargame table of all the flotsam and jetsam that had accumulated on the surface over the past several months. It was quite a chore, but I think that the pictures shown herein prove that it was worth the effort. My plan is to play a solo AWI game on the Fourth of July holiday, using it as an excuse to take some photographs and write an article for Battle Games magazine.

And now we add the miniatures...
It will be a "small" game by my standards: 7 or 8 British battalions and 10 to 12 Continentals and Militia. The game mat was made by "The Terrain Guy" while virtually all of the terrain pieces, from trees, to fences to buildings were made by Herb Gundt. I made the road sections that you see in the pictures and I painted all of the wargame figures. 

Williamsburg Powder Magazine, in situ.
You can see a solitary Fife & Drum British Guardsman in the gateway to the powder magazine. I painted him in a green coat as an experimental Loyalist soldier. I like the way that he turned out, so hopefully I will be able to add at least one Loyalist regiment to my British army. The wagons shown above were all scratch built by Ed Phillips, using balsa wood, card stock, some Old Glory wheels and Dixon horses.

Special Announcement Coming This Week!

Please be sure to check back in here over the next several days as I will have an important announcement about the Fife & Drum Miniatures range. I think that you are going to like it. That's all that I can say for now. Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Fife & Drum Miniatures Is Growing!

British Light Infantry in roundabouts charge down the road. (click picture twice to enlarge).

We have been making steady progress in building and expanding our range of 1/56 scale (~29-31mm) figures for the American War of Independence. The Company commenced production in early 2011 and we are now up to 70 assorted figures and 7 artillery equipment sets as of the July 4th Independence Day. Another 16 figures – Continentals in hunting shirts & tricorne hats are in the pipeline as well as sprues of heads for those who want to make some light conversions to their models.

Check out the new poll on the left to express your preference for what we should add to the range next.

8 x militia
12 x Continentals in tricorne hats
2 x Mounted Officers
8 x artillery crew (loading and firing sets of 4)

8 x Light Company in roundabouts
8 x Brigade of Guards
6 x Grenadiers in bearskin hats
10 x Centre Company men in slouch hats
2 x Mounted officers
8 x artillery crew (loading and firing sets of 4)

1 x French Valliere 4-pdr
1 x American cast 6-pdr
1 x British 6-pdr
1 x Galloper Gun 3-pdr
1 x Amusette with wooden mantle
1 x limber
1 x Galloper gun limber
1 x limber team driver
2 x limber team draft horses
1 x artillery tools pack

As you can see, we have kept ourselves and sculptor Richard Ansell very busy this past year and there is much more in the pipeline and on the planning board, including light dragoons for both sides, Highlanders, Personalities and a complete array of Hessian infantry.

Keep checking in at this blog for more information and news updates as they occur.

Monthly Drawings For Free Fife & Drum minis!
And while you are at , be sure to click on the "Follower" button on the left hand side of this page so that you will become eligible for the monthly drawing to win a $50.00 USD certificate for free Fife & Drum miniatures.

I am really excited by our progress so far – even more so when I consider how the range will continue to grow.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Artillery Equipment Is Coming Soon!

Artillery components (L-R Top Row): French Valliere 4-pdr; American-cast 6-pdr; British 6-pdr; and 3-pdr Galloper.
I have already posted pix of the artillery components over on my Facebook page, TMP and my own Der Alte Fritz Journal blog and realized that I had not shown them here. Doh! The pieces are at the caster now and production moulds are in process, so it shouldn't be too much longer before we have inventory and are ready to ship from our growing artillery park.

Fife & Drum artillery will initially include:

French 4-pdr (Valliere System)
American cast 6-pdr
British 6-pdr
3pdr Galloper gun (includes limber chassis "C" in pix above)

We will also have a two horse limber team, a driver, an amusette with wooden mantle, the British artillery limber, and the galloper limber chassis, all of which are shown in the second row above from left to right. Below are a couple of pictures of the component greens loosely "assembled" so that you can see how they might look when assembled.

American 6-pdr components, as assembled.
Galloper gun horse and limber plus the 3-pdr cannon. The limber piece attaches to the gun trail of the cannon.

Finally, I would encourage everyone to click on the Follower button on the left hand side of this page and become a follower of the Fife & Drum blog. Each month, I will make a random drawing from the list of followers and the selected name will win a Gift Certificate good for $50.00 worth of Fife & Drum Miniatures.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Artillery Crew Greens Have Arrived!

British Artillery Crew - Loading Set (4 figures)

Reverse view of the Loading Set

Yesterday I received pictures of the artillery crew greens that Richard Ansell has been working on recently. There are 16 new artillery crew figures, 8 per side (British and Continental) and divided into crews of 4 figures. There will be one set of loading poses and one set of firing poses for each army. Figures will be sold in sets of 4 figures, rather than as single figures.  I expect that the artillery figures will get into production in June 2012. So it is not too far away...

The Crown Forces

British Firing Set (note the two men covering their ears).

Reverse view of the British firing set.

Continental Artillery Crew

Continental Loading Set (4 figures)

Reverse view of the Continental Loading Set

Continental Firing Set (4 figures)

Reverse view of the Continental Firing Set

Artillery tools sprues that are included with each set.

You will note that the figures come open handed so that you can choose from a selection of artillery tools (port fire, linstock, water bucket, rammer, scoop, worm and trail spike). At least one figure in each army is standing around kind of doing nothing but holding something. This was done so that I could increase my own artillery crews to 5 or 6 figures by borrowing this figure from one set and adding it to another set. Also, there are numerous conversion possibilities with the open hands. You could have the figure holding a musket instead of artillery tools or maybe pulling on a drag rope made of wire.

Finally,  the artillery equipment is on the work bench as we speak and I expect that it should be showing up on my doorstep fairly soon. My plan is to have crew and equipment in production by the end of June 2012.

We are also working on a web site so that you can order your figures on-line via a shopping cart widget. I will make an announcement on the site and its address once it is up and running.